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ООО «Картули цементи». «HeidelbergCement Georgia»

Количество просмотров: 3440
ООО «Картули цементи». «HeidelbergCement Georgia»
Способ производства: Мокрый

Год запуска: 2008

Проектная мощность 400 тыс. тонн в год

Выпускаемая номенклатура

Портландцемент ( ГОСТ EN 197-1 )

CЕМ I 42,5N

CEM I 32,5R

CEM I 42,5R

CEM II/A-S 42,5N

CEM II/B-M (T-L) 32,5R

Контактная информация

Телефон: (+995 24) 19-31-71

Факс: (+995 24) 19-31-71

E-Mail: info@Kartulicementi.ge


In May 2006, HeidelbergCement acquired a majority of Kartuli Cementi stake and its grinding plant with a capacity of 120,000 tonnes of cement.  Kartuli Cementi and HeidelbergCement devised a plan to dismantle the German Kiefersfelden plant in just 3 months. The dismantling and re-erection was accomplished entirely by Georgian work force, within a timeframe of only 18 months.

The Georgian team comprised a total of 27 highly skilled engineers, electricians and labourers. This project became a good example of collaboration between Georgian and German supervisors and specialists. Good planning and excellent teamwork made it possible to complete the initial phase in just over 2 months. The equipment moved included a raw mill, a coal mill, a Lepol kiln converted to a 4-stage suspension pre-heater kiln, a clinker cooler and a finish mill, among many other components. Project team worked with German and Georgian freight forwarders to organise the logistics and make possible the on-time delivery of the dismantled plant to Georgia by river, sea, over-road and railway transport.

Relocation of modernized plant from Kiefersfelden, Germany to Georgia was the first precedent in post soviet countries; this was good opportunity to get the European modernized plant by minimized costs.

Kartuli Cementi plant got in exploitation in January 2008 with clinker capacity of 0.4 million tonnes of cement per year.

Последнее обновление: 31.05.2012

Количество просмотров: 3440

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