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ООО «Каспицемент». «HeidelbergCement Georgia»

Количество просмотров: 3896
ООО «Каспицемент». «HeidelbergCement Georgia»
Способ производства: Мокрый

Год запуска: 1931

Проектная мощность 402 тыс. тонн в год

Выпускаемая номенклатура

Портландцемент ( ГОСТ EN 197-1 )

CЕМ I 42,5N

CEM I 32,5R

CEM I 42,5R

CEM II/A-S 42,5N

CEM II/B-M (T-L) 32,5R

Контактная информация

Телефон: (+995 32) 33-25-05

Факс: (+995 32) 33-16-66

E-Mail: info@heidelbergcement.ge


The big storage of marly limestone, high quality clay, proximity to the railway and water resources became a reason for starting construction of a new cement plant in Kaspi in 1927, thus drafting first page of history of Georgian cement industry. Kaspi Plant was put into operation in the beginning of 1931 with two rotary kilns having capacity of 9 tones per hour. By that time capacity of the plant was 120 000 tones of clinker and 150 000 tones of cement.

As a result of reconstruction and upgrading works during 1949-1975, the capacity of the plant was increased to 830 000 tones of cement and 647 000 tones of clinker per year. Second reconstruction-upgrading works were done in 1980-1988 and the volume of cement production became 966 000 tones of cement and 774 000 tones of clinker per year.

Cement production was decreased following the break-up of Soviet Union in 1991; in 1994-1999, production was completely stopped. In 2000, the plant was privatized and named JSC Kaspicementi.  Plant restoration works took place in the years 2000-2006. This investment was successfully accomplished in 2006 and led to annual production of 571.700 tones of clinker and 402.700 tones of cement.

Kaspi and Rustavi plants were merged under the common corporate name – SaqCementi Ltd. In February 2007, SaqCementi Ltd entered the HeidelbergCement Group. HeidelbergCement started large investments aiming at technological revamping and capital repairs, thus resulting in production increased up to 1.6 million tones for two SaqCementi plants per year.

Последнее обновление: 31.05.2012

Количество просмотров: 3896

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